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2016-05-23 – Music Guru Radio (Review)

Originally published:

I wasn’t sure that I was going to like this album at first, with it’s songs reminding me a little of Early psycodelic Pink Floyd on the song “Last Chance To Hear Part 1”, which starts off with a vinyl record crackling & appears again in “Critical Mass Part 2”,  which may end side 1 of the album, if it were on vinyl. Normally that doesn’t bother me, but, it didn’t do anything for me on this album. The song “Spy In The Sky” has an Alan Parsons sound to it, which does work for me. The album does move about in different directions, which makes you want to listen to it again. Do I like the album? Not at first listen, but, after awhile, it sinks in, & yes, I do. Take a listen, I’d love to hear your take on it. For me, this gets 4 out of 5 stars.